community, flock

First Flock Toolbar and a Peek at the Localization Community

The other day, I blogged about the first extension written specifically with Flock in mind (and capitalizing on a feature unique to Flock). Today, I’ve got another extension to showcase. It’s the first toolbar written for Flock as far as I know. Neither of these, by the way, is the first extension to work with Flock; other community members have ported a number of Firefox extensions to work with Flock, and I get daily emails reporting that extensions developers are uploading their Flock-compatible extensions to These two extensions are the first I know of that members of the Flock community have written specifically with Flock in mind, however, and so they’re significant.

Now for what will be bad news to many of us but what’s really good news for Flock: The toolbar integrates with a Bulgarian site and so has a pretty limited audience. What this means for most of our American community is that the toolbar will be of limited interest. But what it demonstrates for Flock is that we have a vibrant international community showing interest. In addition to this toolbar, interest in localizing into about 20 languages has been posted in our localization forums, and work on a half dozen or so of those has begun as far as I’m aware. Further, our own localization guru Gandalf (about whom you’ll learn more later this week) is working on a tool that he hopes will facilitate localization of the browser. Anybody interested in localization who doesn’t know where to start should ping Gandalf or me.

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